Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Crazy Series Of Events.......

So...after what can only be described as an unbelievably crazy series of events.... I am suffering bigtime.

The burns are really bad, especially the ones on my arm.

This was taken yesterday morning at the hospital. I was unable to take pictures of the rest of the burns.

The burns on my side, back and leg arent quite as bad and they seem to be healing more quickly than the burns on my arm and the right side of my stomach, but unfortunately I had the hot water bottle on my stomach, under my arm when it burst so hence why those areas got so badly burned.

I am going to A&E every morning to have the burns reviewed and redressed. This morning was just horrific coz they had to scrape the top layer of skin and blisters off the surface of the burns with a knife-like implement. This especially hurt my arm and stomach as while all of the burns are raw, those areas are very deep and open.

I was talking to the nurse this morning at the hospital and we were just saying how unbelievably simple it is for things like this to happen. I have been using a hot water bottle to help with tummy cramps since I was about 9 years old and have never had any problems. I think I can safely say that there will never be a hot water bottle used in my house again...!!!

My body seemed to go into shock after I got burned on Sunday night and this seems to have caused the process of miscarrying to stop for a bit.  I havent had any cramps or contractions since Sunday night, nor have I felt my cervix dilating any further. I have started to feel some light cramps just in the past few hours, so I think maybe things are starting to happen again.

Really not looking forward to the amount of pain I will be in trying to cope with the pain of the burns along with the labour-like pain of miscarrying..................


  1. Hey, I am in ore at your strength and resilience... I read this post was utter disbelief that life is this cruel... I hope that your burns are healing now.. and that one day, you have the joy of being a mummy. xxx

  2. Hello! I just saw this post and wanted to ask you...did it leave any scars? This just happened to me and I am kind of worried.

    1. Oh Gosh, I'm really sorry to hear this has happened to you too.
      On the advice of my acupuncturist, I ordered a Chinese ointment called 'Ching Wan Huang'. I used it once the burns had dried up and skin had re-formed. The ointment absolutely stinks but it's works very quickly and is very effective. I had some really bad deep purple scarring... And am happy to report that there is no trace any scarring or even any evidence that the skin was ever scalded or burned. Would definitely recommend using it.

      Hope this has been of some help to you and I hope that your pain starts to ease soon.

