Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sleep...............Hellooooooooooooo.......Where Are You...???

It figures that as I have increased the hormones, my body is reacting to the increased dose in the same way that it did when I first started taking the hormones. Hence I am not able to sleep, am crippled with nausea...and its feels like it's almost reaching boiling point here right now, I keep burning up...!!!

I have to admit I am feeling quite disheartened about the whole thing right now. Yes, I know it is only a fleeting feeling and is brought on by the fact that I am feeling so crappy, and in the general scheme of probably is not really that big a deal..but right my sleep deprived, nauseous and feverous state...its the biggest deal ever...!!!

Ok...I'm gona try and give this sleeping lark another go.

Nighty Night.xx.

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