Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 3 .............. "Seriously Ross Breathe Louder"

Day 3 and I am reminded of that episode of Friends where Rachel is unbelievably hormonal and poor Ross can't do right for doing wrong.

I woke up this morning to see what appeared to be the perfect silhouette of a pregnant woman on the curtain............yes, it was just a combination of the way the other curtain was sitting behind it and how the sun was shining in, but it did make me smile.

A sign...could it be???

Everything is annoying me today, I couldnt find my favourite jeans, my hair straightener wasnt heating up fast enough, idiots kept pulling out in front of me when I was driving into town and then just to complete my afternoon of irritation....the coleslaw was touching the lasagne on my plate when we went for lunch...!!!

My ovaries are extremely painful today too.

And here's the mad part..............I am still only on the low dose of hormones...!!!

Suffice to say...people may be offended, insulted or even injured over the next 2 weeks.

I apologise in advance and just is all for a good cause.


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