Day 17 and we have achieved Follicle Maturity...!!!
The scan this morning was ... well, I don't know a word to describe it. I was super bruised from yesterday's scan, so today was worse.
I just lay on the scanning bed and just cried and sobbed, it was hurting so much I just couldnt even talk. The tears just flowed. Patrick just held my hand and squeezed it.
I think today was a point of realisation for Patrick, I think he actually realised how difficult all of this is for me and he could see it in my eyes today, that I am just at breaking point.
I have adapted many zombie-like qualities while going through the motions of injecting myself and during the scans.
Fortunately, enough of my follicles have reached a sufficient level of maturity that they can go ahead with the egg-collection procedure on Saturday morning.
So, this evening I do not have to take the FSH injection, I have to take the Orgalutron at the later time of 8:30 and I have to take a different injection 'Pregnyl' at exactly 9:30 on the dot. This stimulates ovulation which will take place at exactly 35.5 hours after taking the injection. This injection has to be timed to the minute, so that the egg-collection can take place at 9am on Saturday morning.
So I have a welcome break from injections tomorrow and then a few days to recouperate after the procedure on Saturday.
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