Friday, November 12, 2010

Home, Once Again.......

Four weeks, four hospital admissions.....hopefully that is the end of it now. The next time I end up in hospital, I better be in labour...!!!

I am starting to feel better, still rather sore (and very sore at times) but definately on the mend.

Starting to get out a bit now and wanting to get out more and meet people, which I think is a sign that I must be on the mend.

I am still exhausted after doing basic things and still not really sleeping very well, but I think that will improve once I start being more active.

The girls at work have come up with some fantastic ideas for fundraising for the Noah Foundation, I will post more information once we have some definate plans, but please keep sending your ideas to me.

I received a letter in the post today, it was a copy of  the report letter that Dr. Waterstone sent to my G.P.. Gosh, it is interesting to read everything I have been through in the past few weeks. I think most of it had slipped my mind actually, but it was a very interesting read.
It was also quite wonderful to be able to read back through this blog and look at how I was feeling during each stage of the process, to remember emotions both good and bad.

People keep asking how long I am going to continue writing to this blog, and I guess the answer is that I have no plans to stop anytime soon anyway. I enjoy doing it and I truly believe that it helps and informs people.

For now, I am going to get a relatively early night and hopefully some decent sleep.

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