As Patrick was working, my friend Rachel came with me. We shared a few giggles in the waiting room about the fact that we must have looked like a same-sex couple, among a room full of hetrosexual couples.
The scan went off without a hitch, the nurse had no problem finding my ovaries which was a huge surprise and the result was that everything is fine, there are no cysts forming and everything looks good.
We got out to the car and I rang Gordon to see if he had an appointment available, which he did, so as we were already in Cork, I thought it a good idea to go and have some acupuncture done too.
When I got off the phone with Gordon, I noticed that Rachel had a troubled look on her face. I asked if she was ok and she just responded that she just could not believe the amount of people that routinely struggle with what she and many others just take for granted. I suppose ten or twelve couples passed through the waiting room in the hour that we were there, every single one of them wanting so much to be parents and every single one of them carrying a similiar story to that of mine and Patrick's.
Rachel came with me to see Gordon, who took great pleasure in asking her about me and how I was really doing between acupuncture sessions. Rachel responded that I am a lot more relaxed, not as uptight and am not thinking about fertility all the time anymore.
Gordon then said to me 'She is a very good friend, she knows you very very well', indeed she is and indeed she does. Rachel has been there for me throughout my previous IVF cycle and is one of the first people to ask about how each appointment goes with Gordon (she made the comment at the weekend that even though she has never met Gordon, she feels like he is her best friend because she hears so much about him), I think even though today was an eye opener for her and I would go as far as to say that it shocked her a little bit, I think she understands on a deeper level what we are actually going through.
On some level, I think I have become slightly oblivious to the amount of people who go through the fertility clinic as I have been on the inside looking out for so long, but for someone like Rachel, who has two beautiful children...I suppose I could liken the experience to a first-world resident visiting a third-world country...
The product yearned is different, but the starvation is the same.
Every person attending that clinic has a hunger, a need to be a parent and every time they get knocked back...a tiny piece of them dies.
I now have something that a lot of the other people attending that clinic do not have, I now have hope and with my support network including professionals like Gordon and special friends like Rachel, not to mention the thousands of people around the world...I know that whenever we decide to go back for our next transfer...we will be blessed with a healthy and full term pregnancy...and what comes after that is too exciting for me to even think about at this time of night...!!!
Gordon told me "Babies choose us, we don't choose them. Babies decide when they will come into our lives"
Well, little one...whenever you are ready...Mommy and Daddy are waiting for you.xx.
I wish you all the best and am sending Reki blessing to you both.